About Us

Spa Diggity Dog was created to address the grooming needs of our three dogs… Delta, Chaneney and “46.”
Spa Diggity Dog promotes pet health by providing pure, natural pet shampoos and related products, which contain no chemicals or synthetics, no artificial colors, fragrances or preservatives and are environmentally friendly.
Our mission is to promote pet health with pure, natural products.
Spa Diggity Dog- safe, simple and effective.
Jim and Lorena
Our Girls

Delta was described in many ways. My favorite: “So cute it's a crime”, others included: -spoiled, demanding, shy, sweet, bossy, jealous, intelligent and just plain “awhhh!”
Deltas favorite things were her penguin, treats and the beach. Her prowess at finding and catching “ghost crabs” was legendary. At barely 6 pounds Delta exuded confidence, flexing her muscles and voice when necessary but with a heart of gold. Delta was a Chinese crested hairless/ Schnauzer/Poodle mix. Unusual and totally adorable. Loved by momma and daddy and definitely knew it! RIP our babygirl....
NeyNey - This little bundle of love came to us at the tender age of 9 months. NeyNey was one of the happiest and most playful little girls you would've ever met. NeyNey was a Papillion, a beautiful small breed. She was exceptional and did appear on T.V. and the web as a “clothing” model. When not in the “limelight”, NeyNey was our little nurse, cleaning cuts and scrapes and grooming mom and dad. She was also daddy's little jealous “girlfriend”, making sure she got her due attention from her daddy. NeyNey's favorite activities were wrestling with dad and teasing the boys. RIP our baby girl....
46 - “46” was, in one word AMAZING. While driving down S.R. 46, here in Central Florida , Lorena nearly ran over a bag in the road, the bag “moved”, she turned the truck around and low and behold, the bag contained a puppy, left for dead in the middle of a swampy, desolate road. After months of vet appointments and care “46” came through.
She was a big baby Catahoula. She loved puppies, kittens and was utterly fantastic with kids. From such a horrible beginning as a puppy, she was one of the kindest and gentlest dogs you would've ever met. She loved her midnight walks and decided to become an assistant chef, every time we were in the kitchen she was there to offer her “assistance.” RIP our baby girl....You missed more than you'd know.